Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Beginning Coursework

It's been a busy time with the day-job with various things so the A Level has been on a backburner. My plan was always to return to it in July to start the coursework, but I've managed to start it two weeks early, which means that I can hopefully finish it before August and have time for a summer break (and the return to work and the start of the MA)

In the ICS scheme of work, you are restricted to writing your coursework on one topic - the changing balance of power in Europe, 1815-1918 - and a choice of two questions: 'to what extent can European conflicts between 1815 be explained by the development of nationalism?' or 'in what ways did the European balance of power change between 1815 and 1920?'. At the outset, I'm edging more towards the former, although neither seems particularly inspiring. I listened to the audio lecture series on The long 19th Century by The Teaching Company and found it all pretty boring - but that may have been because the lecturer sounded like Rick Moranis. I'm hoping I'll find the topic more interesting as I get into it.

My plan is to read through the ICS course material over the next day or so, pick a topic and then get as many books as I can from the library at work on it and try and bash out a draft then get feedback on that from my tutor.

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