Wednesday 6 July 2011

Finished the first draft of the coursework

After a rare week of creativity, I've finished the first draft of my A Level coursework. Once I was told that I didn't have to write something on the balance of power or nationalism in 19th Century Europe, I settled on writing 3,500 words on "In What Ways Did Perceptions of the Causes of Crime Change in Britain During the Nineteenth Century, and Why?", thinking that it would be good preparation for my MA and for the dayjob.

Overall, I'm happy with what I have written, even though I always think what I write is rubbish. I'm confident (as far as I can be) that i have done what is required in terms of looking at 100 years (for me 1795 to 1896), looking at change, and using and evaluating contemporary sources and different historians' view of the past. That said, I'm pretty sure that I will have to redo bits of it - especially the conclusion that needs a final bit. In a more pragmatic sense, i HAVE to get a good grade on this - ideally an A - as the coursework component is worth 20% of the overall A Level.

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