Monday, 22 November 2010

The Journey or the Destination?

It's only been a couple of days into the A Level and already I'm getting obsessed (in a mildish) way with the destination of study (getting a good grade) rather than the journey of learning.

My main concern at the moment is whether at this level there is THE ANSWER that I should be learning rote-fashion, or whether - like at undergraduate and degree level - there are a variety of responses and it's up to me to respond to the question with arguments and evidence as I see fit. When I did my A Levels back in 1994, I essentially got all the past papers, produced model answers for each of them and revised those. I'm unsure whether this is the most appropriate way to tackle an A Level and whether they way that I would tackle it is too under/postgraduate-y.


1 comment:

  1. It's certainly true for A level exams that you do need to absolutely prepare and learn answers word perfect. But ... this can only be done effectively if it is an answer that you have really made your own. It's almost impossible to learn and then replicate a pre-packed answer that doesn't have 'you' in it - your understanding of and response to the material. If that makes sense.
