Saturday, 20 November 2010

Progress Check 1

I've spent a few hours today beginning to work through the material for Russia 1855-1917. Im now up to page 20 of the course book, which is [drumroll] the first Progress Check.

* What is meant by an 'autocratic' form of government?
An autocratic form of government is where sole power resides in one person, such as the Tzar or, in Nazi Germany, the Fuhrer. It can be compared with democracy, where power resides within the people.

* What were the main features of serfdom?
Under serfdom in Russia, the land that was owned by landowners had serfs attached to it. The serfs worked for their rent and paid taxes. They could be used for military purposes by the landowner. Serfs had few rights, could not travel and relied on their landowners for the application of justice.

* What were the main features of the 'patrimonial state'?
Within the patrimonial state, economic and all other forms of power stemmed from political power. The Tzar had complete power, as control of the economy and military. He also had control of public information (ie. no free press) and the life and death of the people. Within the patrimonial state, there were local institutions, but these were controlled by either nobility or the churches.

* To what extent had Russia experienced an industrial revolution by 1855.
Russia had not experienced an industrial revolution at all by 1855. That would begin slowly in 1860. While Russia possessed an industrial infrastructure, this was basic compared to the western Europe and relied on a mass of labour rather than technological advancement. The majority of the Russian population at this time worked in agriculture (indeed, as late as 1917, over 80% of the population worked in this way)

EDIT: OK, looking at the answers, lets see how I did. Question one (thankfully) is fine. Question two needs expanding, bringing in how serfs faced restrictions on movement and how the landlords had legal power over them. Question 3 is a fine (in fact, its a bit more detailed than the model answer). Question 4 is again broadly right, but I should have said that Russia had the infrastructure, but that compared to western Europe it was pretty basic. I should also have said that industry was labour, rather than capital intensive.
I'll go back and re-read those bits of my notes.

EDIT 2: I've amended my answers above in italics.


  1. Just to try and tempt you down the primrose path of literature. Tolstoy, in Anna Karenina gives a fascinating picture of the way the nobility of each province assembled each year (prior to the establishment of political parties) and took the opportunity to engage in debate. It shows the undercurrents that were going on within autocracy. Literature is a great source for the historian in understanding the mood of an era.

  2. couldn't i just blag it and say 'as shown in The Brothers Karamarzov..'?
